Renowned Korean Digital Asset Management Company Shanmen Capital and POFID reached Strategic Cooperation

1 min readNov 24, 2020

The cutting-edge DeFi project POFID and the famous Korean digital asset management company Shanmen Capital recently reached a cooperation consensus in Seoul. The two parties will focus on the development of compliant digital asset management chain governance, digital banking, digital stable currency business, as well as payment and settlement scenarios. In recent years, the Korean government has continuously introduced policies and regulations on the digital asset industry to regulate and better develop this emerging market. Shanmen Capital is an investment institution established by several major financial groups in South Korea specialised in digital asset management and liquidation business. Planning to deploy its strategy in Blockchain technology and compliant digital asset scenarios, the CEO of Shanmen Capital stated that POFID is a very promising DeFi project, as it has a very rigorous and professional financial design and can offer strong decentralized financial capabilities to empower the economic development in Korean.




POFID DAO is a technology and governance framework based on Blockchain technology for the issuance and management of stable cryptographic and stable currencies.